2021 Ladies Fish-Off - Live Scoring by CatchStat.com

Past Tournaments

2024 Ladies Fish-Off Logo

2024 Ladies Fish-Off

Fishing Days
6/1/2024 - 6/1/2024

2023 Ladies Fish-Off Logo

2023 Ladies Fish-Off

Fishing Days
6/3/2023 - 6/3/2023

2022 Ladies Fish-Off Logo

2022 Ladies Fish-Off

Fishing Days
6/5/2022 - 6/5/2022

2021 Ladies Fish-Off Logo

2021 Ladies Fish-Off

Fishing Days
6/5/2021 - 6/5/2021

2019 Ladies Fish-Off Logo

2019 Ladies Fish-Off

Fishing Days
6/1/2019 - 6/1/2019

All content is for entertainment purposes only. Content does not replace and may not reflect official tournament standings. Official standings can be obtained by contacting the tournament committee.